: represent the representation

: find the beauty

: slow it down

: ignore the clock

: just take the damn medicine

: mechanical dragonfly chopping through sound of wind

: decenter the core

: shirtless with an uncertain amount of arm orange roll up teeth

: halve the magnitude

: remove the edges

: replace force with flow

: deform the box

: spread to the edge

: highlight the warts

: shrink the tonic

: rework it as if someone else

: make the fairy tale version

: follow the flow

: collage the scraps

: make an ally of time

: alter the scenery

: shuffle the halves

: ignore the clock

: make the idea tangible as quickly as possible

: plow the field of your theme

: jump on it

: wear out the groove

: trace sunbeams

: recreate it from scratch

: capture the echo

: resolve the tension

: do the surprising thing

: try a different filter

: bury the point of focus

: pull buttons push strings

: adorn the gap

: improve your readiness

: cleanse the gates of perception

: extend the theme

: adjust the signal

: resist the spectacle

: make it less

: school sign robotics: park in back

: make the basics better

: vary the theme

: do not listen to want and need but must

: expand the quiet

: reflect the shine

: rounds of oak still dusted in snow

: sled the edge of change

: share the fuel

: the air the apps promise snow

: spark the flame

: put it in a box

: shift the pieces

: give time for growth

: literature of horses braille of shit on the street

: make it work ⤵️ make it work better ⤴️

: capture stillness

: bird feeder discarding the shells of last year

: bird feeder sorting through last year’s shells

: start fresh

: nurture the flame

: flesh cement

: embrace the loss

: atmospheric river

: build tension release

: create space

: draw a map in the fog

: go off road

: add a dash of magic

: bang the well-worn drum

: forked lightning tree branches throwing gang signs

: question your last decision

: divide

: candle flame shadow black hole in the glow 🕳️

: listen to what your body isn’t saying

: make it simple

: thread the crests

: betray the original idea

: look look look

: smash the mirror

: sumi-e trees in the fog

: distill

: follow the voice

: follow the well-worn path for a bit

: allow it to come to you

: add sprinkles

: through the fog funereal pyres clear cut

: turn it over

: toast the flame

: In a poem you’re hoping that every word can mean multiple things. -Pádraig Ó Tuama

: try a different method

: remain dormant

: still your heart

: carve a path in the leaves in the wind

: mosey to the tick of your own clock

: send it down the drain

: explore side paths

: leave a pause

: paint it black

: craft a totem of gratitude

: pivot

: take a journey without moving

: pick a route after you’ve begun

: the process of apocalypse

: pick the low-hanging fruit discard

: dig a hole with a hammer

: subtract do not replace

: try the back door

: trace the path of the falling leaves

: mosey in the muse’s footsteps

: change 🔀 location

: move everything around

: make the prototype now you’re done

: seed the clouds of your mind

: create a name more baroque than the artifact

: knock on the moon transcribe the echo

: just dive in

: start in the middle end at the beginning

: step back another step again

: expand the edges

: start again but different

: make the alternative

: turn off tune out dive in

: share a seed

: shellac a secret until opaque

: inscribe the sky

: carve a door in the mountain

: suggest the vision

: but make it vanilla

: ramshackle fence on the other side morning mist

: fill the donut hole

: golden hour sun s_l_anting through rain curtain

: cast a line see what reels in

: add

: empty shopping cart rolls across the parking lot ghost hand

: craft a door

: zoo lemonade watermelon

: find the thread that connects everything pull

: follow the line you are drawing

: turn a sentence into a novel. turn a novel into a sentence.

: invert reverse turn inside out mirror

: carve a hole in the middle

: I love this haiku writing prompt from Joshua Gage. It gives Austin Kleon vibes. Paraphrasing: …

: flip the trope

: turn up the quirk

: amplify the quiet

: craft a smile

: venture into the unexplored

: impersonate an inspiration

: pick off a side shoot propagate it

: horse stamp church

: subtract to add

: the slow moving branch a rat snake

: the mistake is the path

: stop sign poles tied together spider silk

: make the form visible

: getting carded buying a can of air

: try again later

: create the start

: move the first to last and the last to first

: prune the low-hanging branches

: bejeweled pile of shit lazy butterfly wings

: dreaming of rain receding water line

: lure the fish without catching

: cicada song swelling in the trees docks rock

: announce an absurdity

: cool whip clouds cows seek shade summer’s return

: highlight the imperfect

: between the trees tall grass red metal rectangle

: yield to the signal welcome in acceptance

: mortared groove dragonfly belly up sun beamed dust cloud

: roadside side road floating flame dancing in August sun

: name the phase

: chase the strange at the center of the ordinary

: hike the spine

: what’s the fractal of the seed?

: hatch from your ruins

: kicking up dust on the interstate shoulder dump truck race

: re-form re-form re-form re-form

: truck towing truck towing truck

: sow the scraps

: burnish the plating

: look to the center

: today’s breaking news: lemonade is now permanent

: what’s in the morning? what’s in the morning? bloom on a bare stem

: heavy air the air, heavy a Vegas spread between feels like and is

: Fit it in half the space

: the late July sun a brief cloud full late July sun

: open your head to the sky

: the heat of summer a rainstorm the heat of summer

: stay true to you

: remove the wall. sit on the rubble.

: burn your math to ash

: peach branch —heavy— bent to grass finally, rain

: cut it in half. repeat. repeat. repeat. continue.

: shades of green a Miyazaki scene of layered trees

: eat the lie

: spill the bottle

: resaddle. remount. reride.

: aim for the reluctant bullseye

: what’s the well worn soul truth?

: bootleg beauty

: answer the unspoken quiz

: midwife a party clown

: toasted marshmallow from the storm cloud lightning

: loosen your grip

: stop both ways

: will it reign?

: sound of jet skis but only waves

: reverse the melody

: dusk glide turns to blur little brown bird

: waterfall a trickle horses graze

: ember pops up firefly

: mine your head

: tomato cages overgrown dragonfly hovers

: days teasing rain dead flowers

: Babies of Rust transcription error turned band name

: birds flit across the field where kids play

: mountains are medicine

: frog filled night

: leaves bounce in the breeze praying mantis

: oven glow tractor lights first firefly

: wall of cloud sudden craving for s’mores

: land levee one side: water other: tree tops

: bouncing jet ski fox on the beach

: lake ripples before holiday chop

: blue: ridge haze heron’s nest

: air heavy floral pop up storm

: green leaves flutter down

: tractor at the stop sign in the trees excavator

: branch heavy with leaves and peaches both green

: cardinal in spring lawn bloodied knuckles

: More economic updates from Business Insider The 30-year fixed-rate mortgage just broke 7% for the …

: from shadow curse hands in the sun

: two birds on a white— squirrel!

: trace your shadow

: bloom overtaken brick

: “…the afterburner” & they took off into the sky & flew that boat home

: describe the call of the silent song bird

: jet ski clouds stalled in the wind

: thirty-six-five-foot

: beyond the porch light worm moon